Topic : STL Newbie Guide
Author : Mumit Khan
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   strcpy(buf, "grumpy");
    phbook[(char*)buf] = 7621212;

    cerr << "==> Grumpy moved again! latest number 7621212" << endl;
    print_phbook(cerr, phbook);
    cerr << endl;

    return 0;

And here's the output (might even dump core with some STL implementations):

==> Initial phone book
 (grumpy 5551212)
 (sleepy 5552121)
 (gandhi 5554242)

==> Grumpy moved. The new number is 9995152
 (grumpy 5551212)
 (sleepy 5552121)
 (gandhi 5554242)
 ( 9995152)

==> Grumpy moved again! latest number 7621212
 (grumpy 5551212)
 (sleepy 5552121)
 (gandhi 5554242)
 ( 9995152)
 (grumpy 7621212)

Hmmm... two grumpy's and a number without a name!

Predicates, Comparators and General Functions
STL containers and algorithms make heavy use of function objects that are either provided by STL (eg., less<T>) or by the user. These function objects typically fall in 3 different categories:
Predicates: boolean function. Especially useful for algorithms that end in _if, such as count_if, find_if, replace_if, etc.
Comparator: boolean function. Useful for ordered containers, such as map<T>, priority_queue<T>, etc.
General functions: functions that operate on objects, but do not necessarily return a value, and if they do, it could be anything.

Predicates: what and how
Jim Jackl-Mochel <> sent me the following note on using the find algorithm:

     First off. thank you for maintaining such a useful page on STL. It has
     filled the documentation gap for me twice when I could'nt figure out
     the Modena manual !

     A question that I cannot get a handle on yet is how to search for
     element in a list without passing the full element in..

     Example: If I have a list or vector of regions which contain a pointer
     to a buffer.


     and Region has a method for determining whether or not it contains a
     specific pointer in memory.
     bool Region::Contains(Byte* Bfr)
     What I thought I should be able to do is use
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), Byte* BfrToBeSearchedFor);
     or something like it.
     But STL (in my probably limited understanding) seems to require that I
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), RegionToBeSearchedFor);
     Region = find(List.begin(), List.end(), ComparisonFunction);
     Neither of which appears to answer my needs.
     If you have any suggestions on how this would be tackled please put
     them in your Newbie guide. If not I will try posting to comp.lang.c++.
     Thank you again.
     Jim Jackl-Mochel

The first thing to note is that the appropriate algorithm to use is find_if, not find; now, we also need to supply a predicate (has_buffer shown below) that will do the right thing. The following solution works in this case:

    class Region {
 // ...
 bool Contains(Byte* Bfr) const;
 // ...

    list<Region> regions;
    // populate regions with all the Region objects containing unique
    // Byte* elements, one of which may contain the Byte* you're looking
    // for.


    // find the region which contains the given buffer pointer bufferp;
    // first, let's define the appropriate comparator fct.

    struct has_buffer {
 Byte* buffer_;
 has_buffer(const Byte* buffer) : buffer_(buffer) { }
 bool operator()(const Region& region) const {
     return region.Contains(buffer_);

    list<Region>::const_iterator it = find_if(regions.begin(),
 regions.end(), has_buffer(BfrToBeSearchedFor)

    if (it == regions.end()) {
 // not found
    } else {
 // found it
 const Byte* Bfr = *it;
 // ...

Notice the use of find_if, which takes a predicate that you can supply to find the element.

Comparators: what and how
Comparators are typically used for sorting/ordering container objects such as the one used by the sort algorithm. More often than not, the STL provided comparators (eg., less<T>, greater<T>, etc), which in turn invoke the < operator, are sufficient; there are cases, however, where you need to supply custom comparators to get the job done. Let's take the following example:
    deque<int*> deque1;
    // populate deque1

    // now sort. (THIS IS INCORRECT)
    sort(deque1.begin(), dequeu1.end());

In the code sample above, the sort algorithm will use the default less<int*> function object to do the ordering and the result is obviously not the guranteed to be correct. There are two different approaches we can take -- define a set of comparator functions that work on pointers by dereferencing the arguments first (ala ObjectSpace STL<ToolKit>), define a "dereferencing" function object that works on unary and binary functions.
The following example shows how to do a custom pointer comparator.

    bool intp_less(const int* i1, const int* i2) {
 return *i1 < *i2;

    sort(deque1.begin(), dequeu1.end(), intp_less);

Or, we can use a bit more structured method:

    template <class BinaryFunction>
    class binary_dereference : binary_function<
     const BinaryFunction& func = BinaryFunction()
 ) : func_(func) { }
 BinaryFunction::result_type operator() (
     BinaryFunction::first_argument_type* const& x,
     BinaryFunction::second_argument_type* const& y
 ) const {
     return func_(*x, *y);
 BinaryFunction func_;

    template <class BinaryFunction>
    inline binary_dereference<BinaryFunction>
    dereference2 (const BinaryFunction& func)
 return binary_dereference<BinaryFunction>(func);

    // populate deque<int*>

    deque<int*> deque1;

    // now we sort ...
 deque1.begin(), deque1.end(),
 binary_dereference<less<int> > (less<int>())

    // or use the adapter
 deque1.begin(), deque1.end(),
 dereference2 (less<int> ())

To use a set, you could always do the following:

    typedef binary_dereference<less<int> > ip_compare;
    typedef set<int*, ip_compare> ip_set;

Or, the following is even more structured:

    template <class BinaryFunction, class Modifier>
    class binary_arg_modifier : binary_function<
     const BinaryFunction& func = BinaryFunction(),
     const Modifier& modifier = Modifier()
 ) : func_(func), modifier_(modifier) { }
 BinaryFunction::result_type operator() (
     const Modifier::argument_type& x,
     const Modifier::argument_type& y
 ) const {
     return func_(modifier_(x), modifier_(y));
 BinaryFunction func_;
 Modifier modifier_;

    template <class BinaryFunction, class Modifier>
    inline binary_arg_modifier<BinaryFunction, Modifier>
    arg_modifier2 (const BinaryFunction& func, const Modifier& modifier)
 return binary_arg_modifier<BinaryFunction, Modifier>(func, modifier);

    template <class T>
    struct dereference : unary_function<T*, T> {
 T operator() (const T* x) const { return *x; }

    // populate deque<int*>

    deque<int*> deque1;

    // now we sort ...

 deque1.begin(), deque1.end(),
 binary_arg_modifier< less<int>, dereference<int>  > ()

    // or use the adapter
 deque1.begin(), deque1.end(),
 arg_modifier2 (less<int> (), dereference<int> ())

You can of course use for set, map, etc as well.

    typedef binary_arg_modifier< less<int>, dereference<int> > ip_compare;
    typedef set<int*, ip_compare> ip_set;
    ip_set set1;

General Functions: what and how
General functions are useful when you want to operate on each of the objects in a container in sequence, for example using

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