Topic : Opzimizing Your Code
Author : McMillan
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code, which is considerably less of a burden than a massive recompilation and relink.

The Do's and Don'ts of inline
The lesson here is that inline is not a magical potion for enhancing performance. For very short functions -- for example, accessors, mutators, and function wrappers (see Chapter 13, "C Language Compatibility Issues") -- the inline specifier can be profitable in terms of both execution speed and program size. If the inlined function is not very short and it is called extensively, however, the result can be an increase in the size of the executable. Furthermore, many processors cache the machine instructions of frequently used parts of the program; excessive inlining can cause a reduced instruction cache hit and, consequently, poorer overall performance. The real annoyance occurs when the compiler refuses to inline a function even though it was declared inline. On older implementations, the result was quite painful. On Standard compliant implementations, the consequences of un-inlining are less detrimental, but they are still undesirable. Some compilers are clever enough to figure out on their own which functions are to be inlined. However, most compilers are less inline-savvy so it is best to examine the effect of an inline declaration empirically. If the inline declaration does not enhance performance, avoid it.

Optimizing Memory Usage
Optimization has several aspects: faster execution speed, efficient usage of system resources, and minimal usage of memory. In general, code optimization attempts to improve all these aspects. The declaration relocation technique that was demonstrated earlier eliminates the unnecessary creation and destruction of objects, thereby reducing the program's size and accelerating its runtime speed. However, other optimization techniques are heavily biased toward one direction -- speedier code or a smaller memory footprint. Sometimes, though, these goals are mutually exclusive; that is, compacting the memory footprint engenders slower code, whereas a faster code implies a larger memory footprint. This section presents various techniques for optimizing, or compacting, the memory requirements of a program.

Bit Fields
In both C and C++ it is possible to store and access data directly in the tiniest possible unit: a single bit. Because a bit is not the natural storage unit for C/C++ implementations, the use of bit fields can increase the size of the executable due to the additional maneuvers that are exercised by the processor in accessing a sequence of one or more bits. This is a clear-cut case of sacrificing runtime speed for the sake of minimizing memory usage.

NOTE: Note, however, that some hardware architectures provide special processor instructions for accessing bits. Therefore, whether bit fields affect the program's speed or not is very much platform-dependent.

Normally, you don't use bit fields just to save a few more bytes. For some applications, however, the tradeoff between execution speed and storage compaction is definitely worth its while. For example, the billing system of an average international telephone company stores every phone call as a record in a relational database. These records are processed in batch periodically to calculate the customer's monthly bill. The database stores millions of new records every day, and it has to keep the customer's billing information for at least one year. The complete database contains around one billion records at any given time. Because the database is also backed up periodically, and because it might also be a distributed database, every record is stored in more than one physical location. In fact, there might be 20 billion records stored in different backup generations and distributed portions of the database at any given time. A minimal billing record contains the customer's ID, a timestamp, codes that indicate the type of the call (for example, local or long distance) and the tariff (off peak, peak time). Literally, every bit counts here -- one redundant bit implies 2.5GB of wasted storage!

A non-space-optimizing definition of the billing record might look like this:

struct BillingRec
  long cust_id;
  long timestamp;
  enum CallType
  } type;
  enum CallTariff
  } tariff;

A BillingRec occupies no fewer than 16 bytes of memory on my 32-bit machine. Clearly, space is wasted here. The first two fields occupy four bytes each, as expected. However, the two enum variables occupy an additional eight bytes, even though they both can be safely represented in less than a single byte. A tweaked version of BillingRec can squeeze the enum values into two bit fields:

struct BillingRec
  long cust_id;
  long timestamp;
  enum CallType
  enum CallTariff
  unsigned call: 3; //three bits
  unsigned tariff: 2; //two bits

The size of BillingRec is now 12 bytes. The four bytes that are saved are equal to megabytes of data storage per day. Still, the size can be reduced even more. The two bit fields occupy five bits in total, which is less than a byte. One might therefore expect BillingRec to occupy 9 bytes rather than 12. The problem is that the compiler inserts three additional padding bytes after the bit fields to align the size of BillingRec on a word boundary (more on member alignment in Chapter 11, "Memory Management"). The additional padding bytes ensure faster access time -- at the cost of three wasted bytes. There are two ways to overcome this problem: You can change the compiler's setting to allow alignment on a byte boundary, or you can change the size of the other members so that -- in total -- it reaches exactly eight bytes.

NOTE: Note that both solutions might not be portable, and on some hardware architectures, the compiler will nonetheless insist on word boundary alignment. Check your compiler's specifications regarding member alignment settings.

Changing the size of the members is somewhat tricky because the first two members have to become bit fields as well:

struct BillingRec
  int cust_id: 24; // 23 bits + 1 sign bit
  int  timestamp: 24;
  enum CallType
  enum CallTariff
  unsigned call: 3;
  unsigned tariff: 2;

This time, BillingRec occupies eight bytes in total, which is half of its original size. The storage that is saved in this example can amount to 10GB annually. Considering the cheap prices of magnetic storage media these days, saving a few thousand dollars might not seem to be a compelling argument -- but there is another reason for favoring smaller data storage: the costs of digital communication. A distributed database has synchronized copies in multiple sites. The synchronization process is usually done by means of digital data transfer from the central database to its synchronized copies, and vice versa. The transmission of millions of records on leased lines is pretty expensive. But for a phone company that owns these lines, this is not an issue of special concern; suppose, however, that the company is an international bank that pays hundreds of dollars for every hour of data transfer. In this case, halving the data volume is unquestionably profitable. Another point to remember is the Web; if the telephone company has a Web site that enables its customers to view their billing information online, the download time of hundreds of records through analog dialup lines can be cut in half by this tweak.

Unions can also be used to minimize memory waste by locating two or more data members at the same memory address, where the value of (at most) one of the data members is active at any time. The size of a union is sufficient to hold the largest of its data members. A union can have member functions, including a constructor and destructor, but it cannot have virtual member functions. A union cannot serve as a base class of, nor can it inherit from, another class. In addition, a union cannot store objects that have nontrivial special member functions. C++ also supports anonymous unions. An anonymous union is an unnamed object of an unnamed type (anonymous unions are also discussed in Chapter 11). For example

union { long n; void * p};  // anonymous
n = 1000L;  // members are directly accessed
p = 0; // n is now also 0

Unlike a named union, an anonymous one cannot have member functions or nonpublic data members.

When are unions useful? The following class retrieves a person's data from a database. The key can be either a unique ID number or a person's last name, but never both at once:

class PersonalDetails
  char * name;
  long ID;
  PersonalDetails(const char *nm);  //key

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