Topic : DOS Game Programming
Author : Alexander Russell
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;*                                                             *


; real code for real men

; adjust for proper memory model



      PUBLIC mouse_event_func,mouse_int

mouse_event_func DD ?

mouse_int PROC FAR


          CALL CS:[mouse_event_func]


mouse_int ENDP


This ASM function is called by the int33h driver. Mouse_int() in turn calls what ever function mouse_event_func points to. Mouse_event_func is a pointer to a function - it is not itself a function.
This is the c code to use the mouse.

#define ESC 27

short mouse_x, mouse_y;

short mouse_present;

short mouse_hidden=0;

short button_stat=0;

unsigned short flags;

extern void far *far mouse_event_func;

void mouse_int(void);

typedef struct


   unsigned int flags, x, y, button_flag;




#define MOUSE_MOVE   1

#define MOUSE_L_DN   2

#define MOUSE_L_UP   4

#define MOUSE_R_DN   8

#define MOUSE_R_UP   16

#define EVENT_MASK   31   /* the logical OR of the 5 above vars */

mouse_info_t mouse_info[MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS];

int head=0;

int tail=0;

/* the low level interrupt handler calls this */

/* ---------------------- mouse_handler() ----------------- April 1,1993 */

void far interrupt mouse_handler(void)


   /* save info returned by mouse device driver */

   asm   {

         mov   flags,   ax

         mov   mouse_x, cx

         mov   mouse_y, dx

         mov   button_stat, bx


   // place the mouse information in a circular queue






   if ( tail == MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS )


   if ( tail == head )



      if ( head == MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS )





   the assembler function mouse_int() calls

   mouse_event_func whenever the mouse moves, or a button

   is pressed, or released. mouse_event_func points to mouse_handler

   which ques up the mouse events, get_event can be used to read these


/* is there a mouse, install int handlers */

/* ---------------------- init_mouse() -------------- April 1,1993 */

short init_mouse(void)


   unsigned short c_seg, c_off;

   asm   {

         xor   ax, ax

         int   033h

         /* note BX holds number of buttons, but we don't care */

         mov   mouse_present, ax


   if ( mouse_present )


      /* install our own handler */

      mouse_event_func=mouse_handler; /* global func pointer */

      /* install mouse_int as mouse handler, which will call

         mouse_handler */



      asm   {

            mov   ax, c_seg

            mov   es, ax

            mov   dx, c_off

            mov   ax, 0ch

            mov   cx, EVENT_MASK

            int 033h


      /* set mouse x, y limits */

      asm   {

            mov   ax, 7

            mov   cx, 0

            mov   dx, 359

            int 033h

            mov   ax, 8

            mov   cx, 0

            mov   dx, 239

            int 033h

            /* set initial mouse_x, mouse_y */

            mov   ax, 3

            int 033h

            mov   mouse_x, cx

            mov   mouse_y, dx





* ---------------------- deinit_mouse() ------------------ April 1,1993 */

void deinit_mouse(void)


   if ( mouse_present )


      /* deinstall our mouse handler by making int 33 never call it */

      asm   {

            mov   ax, 0ch

            xor   cx, cx     /* mask == 0, handler never called */

            int 033h

            /* reset mouse driver */

            xor   ax, ax

            int   033h




See the source files joy.c, mouse.c, mousetub.asm, and key.c for mini programs that demonstrate using all this i/o code.
Event QueueThe next step is to combine all these different input streams into a single combined stream of input. Doing this makes the game program's code much simpler. This combined input stream is demonstrated in chap4.c Below is an excerpt from chap4.c.

// add an event to out generic input queue

/* ---------------------- add_input() ------------------- October 8,1998 */

void add_input(event_t *event)









   if ( i_tail == MAX_INPUT )


   if ( i_tail == i_head )



      if ( i_head == MAX_INPUT )




// see if there  any user generated input waiting for processing

int check_input(event_t *event)


   int is_event=0;

   static unsigned long next_joy_check=0;

   event_t new_event;

   int dx, dy;

   if ( get_tick() > next_joy_check )


      // read the joy stick only at regular intervals


      // this dx/dy thing is to prevent extra joy events caused

      // by normal joystick instability

      dx=abs(last_joy_x - joy_x);

      dy=abs(last_joy_y - joy_y);

      if ( dx > 10 || dy > 10 )


         // add a joy event












   if ( last_b0 != b0 )








   if ( last_b1 != b1 )








   // place any pending mouse events in generic queue

   // could easily make mouse code place its events directly in

   // generic input queue

   while ( head != tail )





      if ( mouse_info[head].flags & MOUSE_MOVE )




         if ( mouse_info[head].flags & MOUSE_L_DN )




            if ( mouse_info[head].flags & MOUSE_L_UP )




               if ( mouse_info[head].flags & MOUSE_R_DN )




                  if ( mouse_info[head].flags & MOUSE_R_UP )








      if ( head == MAX_MOUSE_EVENTS )



   // place any pending keyboard events in queue

   // in a real game you might want to do some processing to

   // the raw scan codes to convert them to ASCI or an other

   // more convenient format

   while ( gb_scan_head != gb_scan_tail )




      // 0xe0 indicates a key from the SECOND keypad, real code will

      // follow

      if ( new_event.data1 == 0xe0 )






      if ( new_event.data1 & KEY_UP_MASK )




      new_event.data1&=KEY_ALL_MASK;  // clear high bit

      // this is where you would convert the raw scan code to ascii

      // and do other high level processing if required

      // eg  new_event.data2=get_ascii(new_event.data1);



   // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

   // check if there are any pending events, and

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