Topic : DOS Game Programming
Author : Alexander Russell
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( y=0; y < shp1->height; y++ )



      while ( x < shp1->width )


         if ( *s0 )


            /* bytes isn't a zero so copy over until end of line or a zero */



            t=s1;    /* save where the count goes */



            /* copy and count non-zero bytes */

            while ( *s0 && x < shp1->width )







            /* store count */





            /* count number of zeros to skip and store count */






            while ( *s0 == 0 && x < shp1->width )











   return size;


/* for 256 color PC images ONLY, works with dpaint images

   Make sure b is big enough for unpacked image.

   Don't use this to get ideas for compression as

   there are much better ways to do even simple RLE encoding.


/* ---------------------- unpack_pcx() ------------------ January 4,1995 */

int unpack_pcx(char *fname, unsigned char far *b, unsigned char *pal,

               int *p_width, int *p_height)


   int err=0, i;

   unsigned int size;

   pcx_head_t pcx;

   unsigned char far *t1, far *raw;

   raw=far_load(fname, &size);  // load the whole file into mem,

   if ( raw )


      if ( size > PCX_HD_SIZE )


         _fmemcpy(&pcx, raw, PCX_HD_SIZE);  // far memcpy

         // get width and height

         *p_width =pcx.xmax - pcx.xmin + 1;

         *p_height=pcx.ymax - pcx.ymin + 1;

         // get palette

         // the palette is just tacked onto the end of the file

         _fmemcpy(pal, raw+size-PAL_SIZE, PAL_SIZE);

   // must shift the palette values as the VGA only uses 6 bits   

         for ( i=0, t1=pal; i < PAL_SIZE; i++, t1++ )


         // this type of de-compression is common to most pcx files

         t1=raw+PCX_HD_SIZE; // skip header

         // decompress raw into b -------------------------------

         size-=PCX_HD_SIZE; // skip header

         size-=PAL_SIZE; // don't include palette at end

         while ( size )


            if ( (*t1 & 0xc0) == 0xc0 ) // are the two high bits set?


               // hi bits set, its a run

               i=*t1 & 0x3f;    // mask with 00111111 to get size of run

               t1++;            // next byte is color to repeat


               while ( i-- )







               *b++=*t1++;  // not a run, copy one byte













int save_bitmap(unsigned char far *buff, unsigned int width,

                unsigned int height, char *fname)


   char new_name[25], *t1;

   FILE *fp;

   int err=0;

   // make a new file name, by removing the pcx extension, and

   // adding a m13 extension

   strcpy(new_name, fname);


   while ( *t1 && *t1 != '.' )


   if ( *t1 == '.' )



      strcpy(t1, "m13");



      strcat(new_name, ".m13");

   // write out the file

   fp=fopen(new_name, "wb");

   if ( fp )


      fwrite(&width, 1, 2, fp);

      fwrite(&height, 1, 2, fp);

      far_fwrite(buff, 1, width*height, fp);





      printf("ERROR! creating file: %s\n", new_name);



   return err;


int save_bitmap_rle(unsigned char far *buff, unsigned int width,

                unsigned int height, char *fname)


   char new_name[25], *t1;

   FILE *fp;

   shape_t in, out;

   unsigned int size;

   int err=0;

   // make a new file name, by removing the pcx extension, and

   // adding a rle extension

   strcpy(new_name, fname);


   while ( *t1 && *t1 != '.' )


   if ( *t1 == '.' )



      strcpy(t1, "rle");



      strcat(new_name, ".rle");

   // as much memory as we will ever need


   if ( out.bitmap )







      // turn the linear bitmap into a RLE bitmap

      size=pack_shape(&in, &out);

      if ( size )


         // write out the file

         fp=fopen(new_name, "wb");

         if ( fp

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