Topic : Multi-Threaded Programming
Author : LUPG
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if (allocated_memory)

/* and here is our thread's function.      */
/* we use the same function we used in our */
/* thread-pool server.                     */
handle_requests_loop(void* data)
    /* this variable will be used later. please read on...         */
    int old_cancel_type;

    /* allocate some memory to hold the start time of this thread. */
    /* assume MAX_TIME_LEN is a previously defined macro.          */
    char* start_time = (char*)malloc(MAX_TIME_LEN);

    /* push our cleanup handler. */
    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_after_malloc, (void*)start_time);
    /* here we start the thread's main loop, and do whatever is desired.. */

    /* and finally, we unregister the cleanup handler. our method may seem */
    /* awkward, but please read the comments below for an explanation.     */

    /* put the thread in deferred cancellation mode.      */
    pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &old_cancel_type);

    /* supplying '1' means to execute the cleanup handler */
    /* prior to unregistering it. supplying '0' would     */
    /* have meant not to execute it.                      */

    /* restore the thread's previous cancellation mode.   */
    pthread_setcanceltype(old_cancel_type, NULL);

As we can see, we allocated some memory here, and registered a cleanup handler that will free this memory when our thread exits. After the execution of the main loop of our thread, we unregistered the cleanup handler. This must be done in the same function that registered the cleanup handler, and in the same nesting level, since both pthread_cleanup_pop() and pthread_cleanup_pop() functions are actually macros that add a '{' symbol and a '}' symbol, respectively.

As to the reason that we used that complex piece of code to unregister the cleanup handler, this is done to assure that our thread won't get canceled in the middle of the execution of our cleanup handler. This could have happened if our thread was in asynchronous cancellation mode. Thus, we made sure it was in deferred cancellation mode, then unregistered the cleanup handler, and finally restored whatever cancellation mode our thread was in previously. Note that we still assume the thread cannot be canceled in the execution of pthread_cleanup_pop() itself - this is true, since pthread_cleanup_pop() is not a cancellation point.

Synchronizing On Threads Exiting

Sometimes it is desired for a thread to wait for the end of execution of another thread. This can be done using the pthread_join() function. It receives two parameters: a variable of type pthread_t, denoting the thread to be joined, and an address of a void* variable, into which the exit code of the thread will be placed (or PTHREAD_CANCELED if the joined thread was canceled).
The pthread_join() function suspends the execution of the calling thread until the joined thread is terminated.

For example, consider our earlier thread pool server. Looking back at the code, you'll see that we used an odd sleep() call before terminating the process. We did this since the main thread had no idea when the other threads finished processing all pending requests. We could have solved it by making the main thread run a loop of checking if no more requests are pending, but that would be a busy loop.

A cleaner way of implementing this, is by adding three changes to the code:

1. Tell the handler threads when we are done creating requests, by setting some flag.
2. Make the threads check, whenever the requests queue is empty, whether or not new requests are supposed to be generated. If not, then the thread should exit.
3. Make the main thread wait for the end of execution of each of the threads it spawned.

The first 2 changes are rather easy. We create a global variable named 'done_creating_requests' and set it to '0' initially. Each thread checks the contents of this variable every time before it intends to go to wait on the condition variable (i.e. the requests queue is empty).
The main thread is modified to set this variable to '1' after it finished generating all requests. Then the condition variable is being broadcast, in case any of the threads is waiting on it, to make sure all threads go and check the 'done_creating_requests' flag.

The last change is done using a pthread_join() loop: call pthread_join() once for each handler thread. This way, we know that only after all handler threads have exited, this loop is finished, and then we may safely terminate the process. If we didn't use this loop, we might terminate the process while one of the handler threads is still handling a request.

The modified program is available in the file named thread-pool-server-with-join.c. Look for the word 'CHANGE' (in capital letters) to see the locations of the three changes.

Detaching A Thread

We have seen how threads can be joined using the pthread_join() function. In fact, threads that are in a 'join-able' state, must be joined by other threads, or else their memory resources will not be fully cleaned out. This is similar to what happens with processes whose parents didn't clean up after them (also called 'orphan' or 'zombie' processes).

If we have a thread that we wish would exit whenever it wants without the need to join it, we should put it in the detached state. This can be done either with appropriate flags to the pthread_create() function, or by using the pthread_detach() function. We'll consider the second option in our tutorial.

The pthread_detach() function gets one parameter, of type pthread_t, that denotes the thread we wish to put in the detached state. For example, we can create a thread and immediately detach it with a code similar to this:

pthread_t a_thread;   /* store the thread's structure here              */
int rc;               /* return value for pthread functions.            */
extern void* thread_loop(void*); /* declare the thread's main function. */

/* create the new thread. */
rc = pthread_create(&a_thread, NULL, thread_loop, NULL);

/* and if that succeeded, detach the newly created thread. */
if (rc == 0) {
    rc = pthread_detach(a_thread);

Of-course, if we wish to have a thread in the detached state immediately, using the first option (setting the detached state directly when calling pthread_create() is more efficient.

Threads Cancellation - A Complete Example

Our next example is much larger then the previous examples. It demonstrates how one could write a multi-threaded program in C, in a more or less clean manner. We take our previous thread-pool server, and enhance it in two ways. First, we add the ability to tune the number of handler threads based on the requests load. New threads are created if the requests queue becomes too large, and after the queue becomes shorter again, extra threads are canceled.

Second, we fix up the termination of the server when there are no more new requests to handle. Instead of the ugly sleep we used in our first example, this time the main thread waits for all threads to finish handling their last requests, by joining each of them using pthread_join().

The code is now being split to 4 separate files, as follows:

requests_queue.c - This file contains functions to manipulate a requests queue. We took the add_request() and get_request() functions and put them here, along with a data structure that contains all the variables previously defined as globals - pointer to queue's head, counter of requests, and even pointers to the queue's mutex and condition variable. This way, all the manipulation of the data is done in a single file, and all its functions receive a pointer to a 'requests_queue' structure.

handler_thread.c - this contains the functions executed by each handler thread - a function that runs the main loop (an enhanced version of the 'handle_requests_loop()' function, and a few local functions explained below). We also define a data structure to collect all the data we want to pass to each thread. We pass a pointer to such a structure as a parameter to the thread's function in the pthread_create() call, instead of using a bunch of ugly

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