Topic : Multi-Threaded Programming
Author : LUPG
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new request to the end of the list, updating list */
    /* pointers as required */
    if (num_requests == 0) { /* special case - list is empty */
 requests = a_request;
 last_request = a_request;
    else {
 last_request->next = a_request;
 last_request = a_request;

    /* increase total number of pending requests by one. */

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("add_request: added request with id '%d'\n", a_request->number);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    /* unlock mutex */
    rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(p_mutex);

    /* signal the condition variable - there's a new request to handle */
    rc = pthread_cond_signal(p_cond_var);

* function get_request(): gets the first pending request from the requests list
*                         removing it from the list.
* algorithm: creates a request structure, adds to the list, and
*            increases number of pending requests by one.
* input:     request number, linked list mutex.
* output:    pointer to the removed request, or NULL if none.
* memory:    the returned request need to be freed by the caller.
struct request*
get_request(pthread_mutex_t* p_mutex)
    int rc;                     /* return code of pthreads functions.  */
    struct request* a_request;      /* pointer to request.                 */

    /* lock the mutex, to assure exclusive access to the list */
    rc = pthread_mutex_lock(p_mutex);

    if (num_requests > 0) {
 a_request = requests;
 requests = a_request->next;
 if (requests == NULL) { /* this was the last request on the list */
     last_request = NULL;
 /* decrease the total number of pending requests */
    else { /* requests list is empty */
 a_request = NULL;

    /* unlock mutex */
    rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(p_mutex);

    /* return the request to the caller. */
    return a_request;

* function handle_request(): handle a single given request.
* algorithm: prints a message stating that the given thread handled
*            the given request.
* input:     request pointer, id of calling thread.
* output:    none.
handle_request(struct request* a_request, int thread_id)
    if (a_request) {
 printf("Thread '%d' handled request '%d'\n",
        thread_id, a_request->number);

* function handle_requests_loop(): infinite loop of requests handling
* algorithm: forever, if there are requests to handle, take the first
*            and handle it. Then wait on the given condition variable,
*            and when it is signaled, re-do the loop.
*            increases number of pending requests by one.
* input:     id of thread, for printing purposes.
* output:    none.
handle_requests_loop(void* data)
    int rc;                     /* return code of pthreads functions.  */
    struct request* a_request;      /* pointer to a request.               */
    int thread_id = *((int*)data);  /* thread identifying number           */

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Starting thread '%d'\n", thread_id);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    /* lock the mutex, to access the requests list exclusively. */
    rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&request_mutex);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("thread '%d' after pthread_mutex_lock\n", thread_id);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    /* do forever.... */
    while (1) {
#ifdef DEBUG
     printf("thread '%d', num_requests =  %d\n", thread_id, num_requests);
#endif /* DEBUG */
 if (num_requests > 0) { /* a request is pending */
     a_request = get_request(&request_mutex);
     if (a_request) { /* got a request - handle it and free it */
      /* unlock mutex - so other threads would be able to handle */
  /* other reqeusts waiting in the queue paralelly.          */
      rc = pthread_mutex_unlock(&request_mutex);
  handle_request(a_request, thread_id);
      /* and lock the mutex again. */
      rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&request_mutex);
 else {
     /* wait for a request to arrive. note the mutex will be */
     /* unlocked here, thus allowing other threads access to */
     /* requests list.                                       */
#ifdef DEBUG
         printf("thread '%d' before pthread_cond_wait\n", thread_id);
#endif /* DEBUG */
     rc = pthread_cond_wait(&got_request, &request_mutex);
     /* and after we return from pthread_cond_wait, the mutex  */
     /* is locked again, so we don't need to lock it ourselves */
#ifdef DEBUG
         printf("thread '%d' after pthread_cond_wait\n", thread_id);
#endif /* DEBUG */

/* like any C program, program's execution begins in main */
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int        i;                                /* loop counter          */
    int        thr_id[NUM_HANDLER_THREADS];      /* thread IDs            */
    pthread_t  p_threads[NUM_HANDLER_THREADS];   /* thread's structures   */
    struct timespec delay;    /* used for wasting time */

    /* create the request-handling threads */
    for (i=0; i<NUM_HANDLER_THREADS; i++) {
 thr_id[i] = i;
 pthread_create(&p_threads[i], NULL, handle_requests_loop, (void*)&thr_id[i]);

    /* run a loop that generates requests */
    for (i=0; i<600; i++) {
 add_request(i, &request_mutex, &got_request);
 /* pause execution for a little bit, to allow      */
 /* other threads to run and handle some requests.  */
 if (rand() > 3*(RAND_MAX/4)) { /* this is done about 25% of the time */
     delay.tv_sec = 0;
     delay.tv_nsec = 10;
     nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
    /* now wait till there are no more requests to process */

    printf("Glory,  we are done.\n");
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>       /* standard I/O routines                     */
#include <pthread.h>     /* pthread functions and data structures     */
#include <stdlib.h>      /* rand() and srand() functions              */

/* number of threads used to service requests */

/* global mutex for our program. assignment initializes it. */
/* note that we use a RECURSIVE mutex, since a handler      */
/* thread might try to lock it twice consecutively.         */
pthread_mutex_t request_mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP;

/* global condition variable for our program. assignment initializes it. */
pthread_cond_t  got_request   = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

int num_requests = 0; /* number of pending requests, initially none */
/* CHANGE - definition of the flag variable */
int done_creating_requests = 0; /* are we done creating new requests? */

/* format of a single request. */
struct request {
    int number;      /* number of the request            

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